söndag 22 juni 2014

Day 15

Alright, now I feel sad. I don't want to go home.

I've just started to make a living here, knowing places and so on, and on Wednesday I'm going home!? Crazy! It feels so weird.
Of course I'm happy to come home to my family and friends, but still, I love this life abroad.

At least I have a few days off when I come home, until next job is waiting - swimming schools in Finland.
I'm a bit scared I'll freeze do death, haha.

Here are some pictures!

Leaving my friends apartment in Helsinki - off to the airport

 I'm gonna miss the buffé

Platanias beach

 Team dinner at a really nice restaurant in Platanias,
and a lovely view

Coffee time

My dad and aunt visiting - the view from their balcony

 Emilia visiting

I don't even know why I tried making my hair curly - my hair went straight in one hour

I have had a really nice time here so far!
But now I'm about to starve - so I'm gonna look for something to eat now.

See u

torsdag 19 juni 2014

day 12

Hehe.. Didn't really go as planned with updating along my stay in Crete. I've been too busy, and not having internet so often doesn't help either.

Well, I'm alive, happy and have the day off from work. I have no plans for today, so we will just see what happens!

Work is great here, I'm starting to fall in love Crete now, and don't really want to go home.. I have only one week left now - crazy!!

lördag 7 juni 2014

Day 0

Building up expectations, as usual, about anything and everything coming at me in the next 24 hours. Then I'll be in Crete, Greece!

My dad, me and my aunt went to Helsinki yesterday by train. My dad and my aunt had to wake up at 3 am, and get to the airport, 'cause their flight to Crete went this morning and should soon be landing. My flight is off at 6.40 pm. So I had a lovely, soft morning. Ate breakfast to the sound of birds, and I just might go for a run today. What else to do in Helsinki until late afternoon? ;)

Beginning today, I start writing and putting up pictures from my adventure in Crete. I'm a swimschool teaxher and my job is to teach scanidanian kids to swim on their holiday here!
 You're very welcome to follow my journey - to see how beautiful Crete is, and maybe I get you to consider this job too (it is beyong amazing - and we need more swimschool teachers, especially from Finland and Sweden)

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

onsdag 4 juni 2014

Då var det dags igen

Ikväll flyttar jag mitt pick och pack till Nydalahöjd=MYCKET närmare skolan och jobbet. Pappa är snart i hamn med bulla-bilen, så vi kan frakta alla grejer. Ska bli så otroligt skönt att flytta just dit jag är påväg, både för att det är så nära till jobb och skola, men även för att så många klasskompisar bor bara ett stenkast från mig!

Jag har tvättat kläder, packat och städat hela dagen. Borde ha pluggat som en tok, men det är ju så mycket roligare med flytten och allt därtill, så pluggandet har inte tagit en enda minut av denna dag! Jag känner mig ändå ganska säker och trygg i mina kunskaper just nu, så jag tror det får räcka med att jag läser innan tentan imr kl.13.

Känns ändå märkligt att flytta härifrån nu, har ju bara bott här 6 månader. Men samtidigt undrar jag när den dagen faktiskt kommer, att jag skulle bo år ut och år in i samma bostad - det känns långt borta. Jag är verkligen en flyttfågel.

Såhär bor man mitt i flytten

Så kommer det va efter tentan imorgon!